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Software-Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN):
Software-Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN) simplifies branch office networking and optimizes application performance over Internet and hybrid WAN. SD-WAN has its roots in Software-Defined Networking (SDN), which decouples network software services from the underlying hardware.
SD WAN Benefits:
1. Simplify your Branch Network:
Provision branch offices faster with automated zero-touch deployment, easy configuration, and centralized troubleshooting tools. Insert network services on the branch edge, in the cloud or in data centers.
2. Bring Agility to your Branch:
Enable multiple links, devices and services to coexist and interoperate with incumbent solutions. APIs enable integration into various management and reporting systems.
3. Optimize Application Performance:
Optimize application performance over hybrid or Internet links with direct, secure access to enterprise and cloud applications.
SD-WAN provides consolidated monitoring and visibility across multiple WAN links and service providers.
4. Reduced Costs:
Deliver Hybrid WAN with ease and empower branch offices with ordinary broadband as enterprise-grade WAN. Reduce hardware-delivery costs.